Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Ocean Office

My office this morning, 4:38 a.m., is a picnic bench a few yards from the beach and the Pacific. It's about 18° (65° C), a mild breeze is blowing. I'd like to see if there's such a thing as The Green Flash at sunrise (Wikipedia says there is). I've seen it at sunset two or three times, over the Mediterranean many years ago, but never at sunrise.

Tin and I walked the one block to Collaroy Beach last night at 8:30 to see the full moon, a fist or so above the horizon, and partly obscured by the first solstice eclipse in more than 400 years. It was coolish - I wore a jacket for the first time sine I've been here (one week today). There was almost nobody on the beach. Amazing. Tin said at one pint, Thom, this isn't a vacation, this is where we live. I think I still haven't quite absorbed that yet.

We walked that one block from our very own apartment, which we acquired yesterday, a one-bedroom, not too small unit in a nine-unit building. We had our St. Vincent De Paul-bought sofa, computer desk and chair, and refrigerator delivered, as well as a queen size mattress. It is lovely, and it is home now.

Yesterday I went to Manly and rented a ute - small pickup, basically, and drove it home. I stuck to the left lane, scraped no curbs or parked cars, and, when the terror faded, generally felt okay.

Now, to work, in my office.

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